met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
Over one hundred tried, tested, and speculative exercises that expand the way we look at fashion, how we are part of its system, and how we can practice fashion otherwise. Radical Fashion Exercises contains a copious collection of bottom-up activities, prompts, and workshops designed by contributors (from all around the globe), who explore fashion in an extended field. Designers, curators, artists, educators, fashion practitioners, DIY home sewers, students, and other creatives responded to the book’s open call with contributions that challenge how to practice fashion and reflect on its systems, politics and economics. The exercises collected in this book embrace interdisciplinarity, experimentation, and aesthetics and widen fashion’s horizons as a medium for expression, embodiment and sociality. Radical Fashion Exercises assembles methods for learning and practicing fashion in meaningful, radical and responsible ways. The book is an inspiring tool for design students, designers, writers, and practitioners of diverse disciplines to challenge fashion as a commodity and polluting structure in these times of uncertainty and upheaval.
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