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Build the clinical judgment skills you need to provide quality care for maternity and pediatric patients! Clear and easy to read, Leifer's Introduction to Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition describes how you can provide effective, evidence-based care for women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and for newborns and growing children. The text spans the continuum of child development, making it easy to locate information by organizing topics from simple to complex and from health to illness. Another hallmark of the book is its strong focus on family-centered care, health promotion, and illness prevention. From nursing educators Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this bestselling text helps you prepare for the Next Generation NCLEX-PN (R) Exam and for the expanding role of the nurse in today's healthcare practice.NEW! Updated medication tables provide quick access to information about commonly used drugs.NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and technology, the latest standardized guidelines, and best practices in LPN/LVN care.NEW and updated photos and illustrations reinforce the book's concepts, with more representation of diversity.Unfolding case studies follow one family through the conception and birth process, and include open-ended critical thinking questions applying the content to practice.Case studies and questions for the Next Generation NCLEX Exam (R) (NGN) help you apply theory to practice and prepare for the NCLEX-PN examination.Get Ready for the NCLEX (R) Examination! at the end of each chapter includes a summary of key points, online resources, review questions, and critical thinking questions.More than 25 nursing care plans include nursing diagnoses and goals, nursing interventions, and rationales, along with clinical judgment questions to promote critical thinking skills.Nursing guidelines reflect the World Health Organization's Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, alternative therapies, immunization mandates, emergency preparedness, preventing medication errors, and more.Detailed nursing skills cover a wide range of maternal and pediatric nursing interventions.Patient Teaching boxes help you communicate instructions for self-care with patients and families.Nursing tips include practical, evidence-based information applicable in the clinical setting.Cultural Considerations boxes help you address the needs of culturally diverse patients and families.Safety alerts highlight medication errors, the importance of protecting patients and others from accidents, and the spread of disease.
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