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The unique and award-winning Unofficial Guides series is a collaboration between senior students, junior doctors and specialty experts. This combination of contributors understands what is essential to excel on your course, in exams and in practice - as well as the importance of presenting information in a clear, fun and engaging way. Packed with hints and tips from those in the know, when you are in a hurry and need a study companion you can trust, reach for an Unofficial Guide.The Unofficial Guide to Paediatrics is unique in that it covers everything you need for your paediatrics course in one place, including core science, examination practice, practical skills, career opportunities and clinical cases.With contributors ranging from leading professors to medical students, teachers, nurses and midwives, this book offers reliable, up to date and practical guidance that you can keep referring to time and time again throughout your career.Straightforward and easy understand - developed specially for undergraduate medical students and foundation trainees.More than 1,000 illustrations, 200 multiple choice questions and 60 clinical cases bringing paediatrics to life.Written by a multidisciplinary team at all stages of training, making the book practical and relevant for clinical practice.Aligned to the new 2023 RCPCH and the GMC medical licensing assessment curricula.An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customise your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.New chapters to this edition, include:Mental healthRheumatologyPalliative careSafeguarding
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