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Develop essential problem-solving strategies for providing individualized, effective neurologic care! Under the leadership of Rolando Lazaro, Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation, Eighth Edition, covers the therapeutic management of people with activity limitations, participation restrictions, and quality-of-life issues following a neurological event across the lifespan. This comprehensive reference provides foundational knowledge and addresses the best evidence for examination tools and interventions commonly used in today's clinical practice. It applies a time-tested, evidence-based approach to neurological rehabilitation that is perfect for both the classroom and the clinic.NEW! Content addresses the movement system and clinical practice guidelinesNEW! Two new chapters on special focus topics explore COVID-19 and reframing selected intervention strategiesNEW! Content explores COVID-19 as it relates to the neurologic systemNEW! Enhanced ebook version, included with every new print purchase, features videos and appendices and supplemental content for select chapters, plus digital access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloudUPDATED! Coverage focuses on linking evidence-based examination and intervention toolsComprehensive coverage offers a thorough understanding of all aspects of neurological rehabilitation across the lifespan - from pediatrics to geriatricsExpert authors and editors lend their experience and guidance for on-the-job successUNIQUE! Section on neurological problems accompanying specific system problems includes hot topics such as poor vision, vestibular dysfunction, dementia and problems with cognition, and aging with a disabilityProblem-solving approach helps you apply your knowledge to examinations, evaluations, prognoses, and intervention strategiesEvidence-based research sets up best practices, covering topics such as the theory and practice of neurologic rehabilitation; evidence-based examination and intervention tools; and the patient's psychosocial concernsCase studies use real-world examples to promote problem-solving skillsTerminology adheres to best practices, following The Guide to Physical Therapy Practice and the WHO-ICF World Health model
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