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levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
For fifty years, experienced clinicians and physicians in training have relied on Swaiman's cornerstone text as their #1 source for authoritative guidance in pediatric neurology. Swaiman's Pediatric Neurology: Principles and Practice, 7th Edition, continues this tradition of excellence under the expert editorial direction of Drs. Stephen Ashwal and Phillip L. Pearl, along with a team of key leaders in the field who serve as associate and section editors in their areas of expertise. Thorough revisions-including new chapters, new videos, new editors, and expanded content-bring you up to date with this dynamic field.Contains new sections on global child neurology and environment and brain development and a greatly expanded section on neurogenetics, in addition to new chapters on autoimmune epilepsies, immune-mediated movement disorders, and more.Offers expanded online content, including additional figures, tables, and text, as well as new personal introductory videos by many chapter authors.Covers new, emerging, or controversial topics such as COVID-19, teleneurology, environment and brain development, immune-mediated disorders of the nervous system, functional neurological disorders in children, nonverbal learning disorders, and the pharmacological and future genetic treatment of neurodevelopmental disabilities.Provides authoritative coverage of perinatal acquired and congenital disorders, neurodevelopmental disabilities, extensive sections on pediatric epilepsy and movement disorders, nonepileptiform paroxysmal disorders, and disorders of sleep.Features nearly 3,000 line drawings, photographs, tables, and boxes that highlight the text, clarify key concepts, and make it easy to find information quickly.An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.
Elsevier Health Sciences
1 maart 2025
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