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This critical care transport text offers a unique focus on the critical care patient in transit, addressing the needs of flight and ground transport registered nurses, paramedics, and those preparing for certification exams such as CFRN (R), CTRN (R), FP-C (c), and CCP-C (R). Authored by the esteemed Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA), this comprehensive guide is backed by the expertise of a leading body representing transport nurses worldwide, making it an indispensable resource in the evolving landscape of critical care transport.Coverage of injuries commonly encountered in flight and ground nursing includes pathophysiology, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation discussions.Part I covers critical care medicine and Part II covers selected patient populations.Meets the needs of all healthcare providers dedicated to expert care delivery in transport, including nurses, paramedics, physicians, respiratory therapists, pilots, mechanics, and communication specialists.Real-life scenarios with updated technology demonstrate how to apply concepts to scenarios like those seen in practice.Focus on the interprofessional and collaborative nature of transport emphasizes the importance of teamwork in ensuring successful patient outcomes.Evolve companion website with 200 certification-style questions provides valuable exam review and practice.
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