Part of the new Pattern-Based Approach series, designed to teach pathology in a way that reflects actual sign-out, this new visually-oriented guidebook presents real-life cases and practical diagnostic tips. Disease processes are organized into ‘patterns’ of injury—the method by which pathologists approach their work—and self-assessment quizzes are provided for each chapter to give you experience with high-yield, board-style teaching topics.
Nearly 800 high-quality photomicrographs to help you generate efficient differential diagnoses and avoid diagnostic pitfalls.
Detailed figure legends and handy Checklists and Key Features sections streamline information and help you better understand the pattern-based approach.
The Pearls & Pitfalls and the Near Miss sections offer valuable lessons from sneaky cases.
Tables emphasize salient clinicopathologic features, management implications, and therapeutic options.
FAQs focus on common diagnostic dilemmas.
The Sample Note sections offer templates of how to sign-out complicated cases and include up-to-date references.
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